Notes in the Life and Career of Gerrie Collins

Color Prints - 4x6 Modern Unfaded

Endowment Goal Reached

Today, on the first anniversary of Gerrie’s passing, the piano scholarship that will bear her name reached the $25,000 threshold to become a perpetual award. I mailed a check for the final $412.50 to the MSU Foundation last week and post-dated it to March 4th, 2024, so that the fund’s passage to fully-endowed status would coincide with this most meaningful, symbolic day.

Memorial display at my home in Milton, Florida

Gerrie’s greatest legacies, of course, are the love, admiration, and gratitude she inspired in those who were privileged to know her. If, as the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once wrote, “the best is lost,” I count it a worthy consolation that some “fragment” of her will remain at the institution where she unreservedly poured herself into her students for 27 years.

I offer my humble, heartfelt thanks to all who so generously supported this cause. And I look forward to the day, hopefully next spring, when the first recipient of the Gerrie Collins Endowed Piano Scholarship is announced.

With Gratitude,

Elizabeth Lowrey

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Want to Honor Dr. Collins?

To support the Gerrie Collins Endowed Piano Scholarship, visit the Mississippi State University Foundation giving page, and use the search box to quickly locate the fund. Alternatively, you can simply print and fill out the pdf form, specifying the fund name on the appropriate lines, and mail it to the Foundation with a check, which will avoid imposition of credit card fees on the fund.

Though we reached the minimum threshold for endowed status on March 4, 2024 (the first anniversary of Gerrie’s death), we welcome additional contributions in order to maximize the size and/or number of scholarships the fund can ultimately support. With education costs continually rising, the amount of assistance many students require–now and into the future–can’t be overestimated.

Thank you so much for your help!
