Notes in the Life and Career of Gerrie Collins

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Melanie Sparr
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I am the niece whom Gerrie visited on 12/26/60 for the first time when I was only 4 days old. My mother asked Gerrie to give me a bath. Gerrie did so and after a bit exclaimed, "Amy, something is wrong with this baby's skin. It looks like it is falling off!" My mother looked and calmed her down by saying, "You are rubbing too hard. Don't rub so hard and her skin won't fall off." LOL
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Want to Honor Dr. Collins?

To support the Gerrie Collins Endowed Piano Scholarship, visit the Mississippi State University Foundation giving page, and use the search box to quickly locate the fund. Alternatively, you can simply print and fill out the pdf form, specifying the fund name on the appropriate lines, and mail it to the Foundation with a check, which will avoid imposition of credit card fees on the fund.

Though we reached the minimum threshold for endowed status on March 4, 2024 (the first anniversary of Gerrie’s death), we welcome additional contributions in order to maximize the size and/or number of scholarships the fund can ultimately support. With education costs continually rising, the amount of assistance many students require–now and into the future–can’t be overestimated.

Thank you so much for your help!
